2023 Macau Asia Pacific Film Festival film shortlist and award setting

Film shortlisting and award setting: 1. The competition films are mainly new films from the second half of 2021 to the first half of 2022. 2. In addition to the traditional awards: Best Director, best actor and actress, best Supporting actor and actress, best screenplay, best Cinematography, etc., special awards are set to reward the filmmakers and organizations that have made contributions to the development of the Asia-Pacific film industry, reflecting humanistic care. There are one or two awards exclusive to the Asia-Pacific Film Festival, such as the Asia Pacific Most Influential Award.

Film shortlisting and award setting

1. The competition films are mainly new films from the second half of 2021 to the first half of 2022.

2. In addition to the traditional awards: Best Director, best actor and actress, best Supporting actor and actress, best screenplay, best Cinematography, etc., special awards are set to reward the filmmakers and organizations that have made contributions to the development of the Asia-Pacific film industry, reflecting humanistic care. There are one or two awards exclusive to the Asia-Pacific Film Festival, such as the Asia Pacific Most Influential Award.